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Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Pandemic Is Over

In January we were were in a COVID surge. It was so called the Omicron surge. The prevalent COVID strain at the time was Omicron. And we were told by the media that it was the end of the world. And I was saying the exact opposite: "COVID IS A GOOD THING!" I also wrote, "Newsflash! The COVID virus wants you to live." 

As it turns out, the world is still here. And, most recently,  Dr. Fauci (the almighty person who became more powerful than the president during COVID) declared the pandemic as over. And so we. are now beyond COVID. We are, as they said we never would be, back to normal. 

But, here we are going to stores without masking up. And we are living our lives as we normally did before COVID. At least this is the case in my community. And I went on vacation last month, and it was the case in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, the places I traveled through and visited. So, it's a good thing. 

I told you in my previous post that Omicron is a good thing. This is that viruses want to stay alive. And to stay alive they want to keep their host alive. So, while the virus mutates over time, it becomes more contagious. And it also becomes less virulent (less deadly). And this is the normal for any living organism (or non living viruses.) 

And I knew this because I read a lot of books about the Spanish Flu. This was the virus that caused the pandemic of 1918. And there were various surges of this flu. And over time the flu virus became weaker and weaker. It became more contagious and less virulent, just like what happened with COVID. And, over time, the flu became endemic. Endemic is a term describing a virus that becomes a part of us. It's like the common cold is endemic, and so is the flu. And now, so we know, COVID has become endemic. 

I predicted it. I was right. I am not gloating. I am just saying this because the media easily could have known what I knew. They easily could have spotted that while COVID cases were high during the Omicron surge, there were not a lot of cases being admitted to hospitals. Hospitals were not being overwhelmed. And there was also a much lower death rate compared with the Delta variant. 

I suppose, the media's job is to get people excited. The media loves war. The media loves death and destruction. The media loves this stuff because fear creates exciting headlines. And exciting headlines sell newspapers. But if they studied their history, they would have known as I did that COVID would eventually become endemic. 

Why did Fauci get it wrong? Well, that is your guess as good as mine. 

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