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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Discussing American Nationalism In The RT Cave

As respiratory therapists, we see many patients. And they all hold opinions of some sort. And almost always we find ways to connect with our patients, as we do with everyone. After our treatments are started, there's time for conversations. And often these conversations are about politics, in one way or another. 

We are often told never to talk about two things: Politics and Religion. And that is particularly true in today's divided political environment. And this was what one of my discussions today was about. My patient said that it started after WWII.

After WWII we realized that nationalism is what lead to WWI and WWII. And we started heading nation-states into a new world order of sorts. Here, there are no nations, just "The World." And, over the many years that persued, you had many states giving up some of their control to some larger order. A good example is the European Union. 

But the problem here is that it violated the natural order of priority. People living in America are not loyal to America first. No, in fact, the founding fathers incorporated a government with limits. In this way, the Federal government had less authority than the states. And states have less authority than local governments. And this leaves plenty of room for freedom of the individual. 

Allow me to state this the opposite way. People pledge loyalty to their homes first. Then, if you ask them where they are from, they will say they are a Manistee native. I am a Chippewa. And then, if you ask them to keep going, they will pledge loyalty to their state. I Am a Michigander. I love my Tigers. Of course, the next order is "I am a U.S. citizen." 

Of course, since WWI we have moved away from nationalism and towards a New World Order (NWA) of sorts. And the notion is that people will say things like "I am a proud member of the world." Sorry, but no one says that. No one pledges loyalty to the world. It just doesn't happen. 

It just doesn't happen. And that is why nationalism works so well. It may not be a perfect system, but this is what we as humans have adopted. It's what humans can connect with. Almost all (if not all) civilizations have been based on nationalism. It is because it works. 

And our modern quest to create the New World Order has caused chaos because it attacks nationalism. And if you attack nationalism, you attack personal pride. And you are also succumbing freedoms to this higher power. And this gives LESS power to the individual. And this is why you see so many nationalist movements. You had Brexit where British voices voted against being in the EU. You had the Donald Trump movement in the U.S. And so many other such movements around the western world. 

And, of course, this has to lead to our modern political environment, where you have liberals who can't even talk to conservatives. Liberals like Biden are pushing for the NWO. Yet conservatives (mostly conservatives) are pushing for more nationalism. Hence the phrase, "America first." 

Americans are not the same as Germans. But that doesn't mean Americans are better than Germans. It just means we live in a different environment and have different views of things. After WWII, we have learned to live together and to tolerate and respect one another. But that does not mean Americans have to do things just like the Germans, hence nationalism. 

We even see this right here in the U.S. In cities, you have more liberals. In the country, you have more conservatives. To tell people in the country they have to vote the same way as people in cities you are just going to cause more division. And that is where you have your divide. Even America is divided into different nations, and we call them states and counties. 

Nations can still work together. But, America does not need to be torn down in order to get along with other nations. In fact, just the opposite. America must lead by example. We must double down on what our constitution stands for. We must cut taxes and regulations and get the government out of the way. And this is how you create prosperity. And this is how you defeat nations like Russia and China. They would not be able to compete with us. And this will force them to look at why America is so successful. And the goal is that they get rid of socialism and adopt a more democratic society. That is how you make the world a better place. 

So, this is what we talked about. And, also, one of the nurses came in and said that China is about to take over as the best economy in the world, and they are communist. And my patient responded to this by saying: "The media is lying about China being this strong economy, even stronger than the U.S. Look at it this way. When you look at per capita, Americans make an average of $50,000 per capita and annually at their jobs. The Chinese make an average of $10,000 per capita and annually at their jobs. So, the Chinese aren't even close to America's economic prowess.  And it must stay that way. 

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