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Thursday, August 8, 2024

My new stethoscope: The dimoscope

About five years ago, I had extra money left in my FSA account, so I researched and bought a $250 green Cardiology Littmann stethoscope. It was a really nice one.

But near the end of COVID, I lost it. During the pandemic, we had to remove our stethoscopes before entering a COVID room and use disposable ones that were in the rooms—what I call 'dimmoscopes' because all you hear is diminished sounds.

One day, I left my stethoscope on a table outside a patient room, and I forgot it. The next day, it was gone. I checked the usual spots like the nurses' lunchroom, but it was nowhere to be found.

I decided not to buy a new one—I can’t afford it. So now I just use the dimmoscopes. When I lose one, I joke that I can just put a dime in the vending machine for a new one. lol

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