Obviously, men represent 50 percent of our population. And, according to studies, men are falling behind women in many metrics. They are trailing women when it comes to college degrees, job performance, and life satisfaction. Although, they are leading women when it comes to opiode use and overdose deaths. So, we ask the question: What is happening to American men?
So, we have a society where men are in crisis. And even recently I read several articles about this in the media. And all of these articles discussed theories as to the cause and solution. And I will explain in this post what that true cause is and what the solution is. Interestingly, not one of those articles I read were written by men.
So, men have lots of energy. When this energy is not channeled, you end up with toxic masculinity.
What is toxic masculinity? Men are naturally aggressive. When deprived of their roles, men revert to their natural aggression. Human men, when in the wild, act as the male of any other species in the wild. The means that they are rapacious, violent, and territorial.
So, men need to be reined in. And the leaders of the first civilizations realized this. They realized that men can use their aggressive tendencies to destroy or to build. And they wanted to channel that energy to building something good, such as building a safe and healthy society. They knew that something needed to be done to reign men, and so this is how and why the basic roles of men were created.
They are:
- Protect. Keep your wife and children safe. Started with physical protection.
- Defend. Your country, values, community, family
- Provide. Get a job so you can support your family.
Men were taught these roles. They are taught these roles by father, preachers, teachers, priests, rabbi's, etc. They were taught to channel that natural male instincts and turn it into something good. That was what made society healthy.
And they were taught to get married and to make a family. Marriage is not just two people who love each other. Marriage is a man and woman becoming united with the sole purpose of making a child. They are complimentary. They are one. They are meant to be together. This is evolutionary biology. For, the sole purpose of life is to create more life.
And this became the traditional patterns of life and the actual framework of success for both men and women. Those societies that follow these basic patterns of life become better and stronger and healthier than societies that are in opposition to these patterns. Men and women as a family is the basis for all thriving societies. Opposing the patterns of life, such as the roles of men, results in chaos.
Look at the Bible as an example.
Now, I am going to use the Bible in my example here. But, what I am about to say is true even if you do not believe in God. Because, either it was God or evolution that created both men and women. And the goal of creating both was so that together they can have children and raise a family. They were created to compliment one another. Together, they were each a half of the whole.
And this is all explained in the Bible. In Genesis, God created a woman in man's own image. And God said that man should not be alone. He needs a help mate. Men and women are two halves of the same whole. A man shall leave his mother and father and he shall meet a wife. And he shall cling to her and they should become one flesh. They shall be one together through marriage. And they should raise a family.
And, by sharing the roles of men with their male children, they too grow up to be productive members of society. And this is what the fabric of society is. It is this that keeps society together and functioning well.
But today, we have a society that wants to get rid of all the roles and institutions. We have a society that tells us that we do not need marriage and divorce is okay. We have a society that tells us that raising children out of wedlock is fine so long as you are your spouse are happy. We have a society that tells people that God does not exist and you don't need Church.
So, you detach marriage and roles from this equation, and you get chaos. You get a return of the pagan way of life where men just do whatever they want so long as it makes them happy. No big deal if you get a women pregnant, because it's their job and not yours to raise children.
There are a growing number of men these days who are not taught about the purpose of marriage and the roles of men. Or, for whatever reason, they do not adhere to these roles. And then you get a society full of toxic masculinity. And from there chaos ensues. And that is why men and in Crisis in America.
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