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Monday, August 14, 2023

Do You Need A College Degree

The number of college-age students attending colleges is decreasing, and there are a few reasons for this trend. Firstly, college can be quite costly, leaving many college-educated individuals burdened with significant debts as they start their lives. Secondly, some people believe that the value of a college education is declining. Lastly, more individuals are realizing that success is achievable without a college degree. So, the question is: Is a college degree really necessary for college-age students?

In my opinion, college degrees are valuable, but I believe focusing on acquiring a trade, like becoming a respiratory therapist, can be a great choice for college-age students. With a trade, you boost your chances of landing a job significantly. The skills you learn in a trade are invaluable and can't be taken away from you. This means you'll have increased employability no matter where you choose to live in the world. Consider exploring trades as a promising pathway for your future career!

The healthcare system's main challenge today lies in the emphasis on pursuing degrees solely for the sake of obtaining them. Degrees in philosophy, liberal arts, diversity skills, gender studies, religious studies, folklore studies or critical race theory may not always lead to readily available job opportunities. This could result in significant debt without clear career prospects. It's crucial for college-age individuals to carefully consider career paths and opt for degrees that align with practical job prospects to avoid potential financial struggles in the future.

I believe one reason for the high cost of college is the pursuit of degrees with limited job opportunities. Many students take loans to finance these degrees, which can lead to financial challenges in the future. As college-age students, it's essential to be mindful of the potential career paths associated with your chosen degree to make informed decisions about your education and future financial well-being. Consider exploring degrees and career options that offer promising job prospects to ensure a successful and fulfilling career path after college.

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