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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Your Values And Morals Come From Church

A friend of mine got together and had some interesting discussions about life. We each had a beer open and were sitting atop inner tubes floating around in his pool. And he said, "You know what frustrates me? It's that all four of my children grew up with different values than I have. I'm a republican and they all grew up to be democrats. That really bothers me?"

And the opposite could be true for you. You might be a liberal and upset that your kids grew up conservative. But I doubt it. I cannot think of the last time I had a democrat friend tell me his children grew up to be republicans. 

And this was the topic of my political blogs recently. When Nancy Polosi retired, John Boehner gave a speech. And in that speech he was crying. And he said something like, "My two girls are really sad right now. They are truly going to miss you." 

And he talked about how his two girls are democrats. And Ben Shapiro said, "Name one democrat that has two republican daughters. Name just one. I can't. This is the problem with the republican party of today. We are not doing a good job of teaching our same values and morals to our own children. We are failing our children."

That was paraphrasing. But, still, he said something along those lines. And it has gotten me to thinking. My two oldest children seem to think more like democrats than republicans. Neither goes to Church. And as far as I know they don't believe in God. So, in my opinion, I failed them. I am no different than my friend. 

Still, I have two children living at home. And I have an opportunity now to change this trend. 

So, this topic came up as we were floating around on our inner tubes. And I said, "My friend, I think I know why it is that your 4 kids have opposing morals and values as you do. I know why they have become liberals. And it's because you want the same morals and values of the Church to be inculcated in your children. But you do not accept the Church."

"Well, yeah. Church is so boring. I don't know how anyone can sit through that." 

"See, that's the problem," I said. "You cannot have one without the other. You cannot have the values and morals to be shared with your children that the Church offers, without also accepting the Church. I mean, even if you don't believe in God, it is still important to go through the motions for your children. You raise them in the Church. You have them believing in God and the Devil and all that is in between. And they will grow up with the same values and morals as you. If you do not, then the Devil can do whatever He wants with them. And chaos ensues. That is the reason for your anger and stress at your children."

"John, I just can't believe in that. I cannot sit in Church. It makes me feel pukey." 

Well, that's fine. But you have to live now with the consequences. 

So, me, now that I know what I know. Now that I know how easy it is for my children to go to the other side, I talk to my children often. I take them to Church as often as I can. I am not perfect, but I understand the reason why the Church has lasted so long and why it is still there. The Church is there to help us raise our children to be good and productive members of society. 

Now, I personally do believe in God and everything the Church stands for. But, if you do not, you are well served if you raise your children under a Church of God

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