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Saturday, July 29, 2023

If My Asthma Kills Me I'm At Peace With It

I embrace life wholeheartedly, cherishing every moment I am alive, unafraid of what lies beyond. This realization dawned on me during a severe asthma attack when I momentarily struggled to catch my breath. The thought of my asthma potentially taking my life crossed my mind, and surprisingly, I found myself accepting it with tranquility. You see, I hold the belief that departing this world would lead me to a better place.

Faith, in this context, holds great significance. Despite some people trying to deny the existence of God or harboring hatred towards those of faith, they cannot eradicate the resilience of our beliefs. I don't hold animosity towards them; on the contrary, I harbor love for people of various faiths or non-faiths. My hope is for everyone to lead fulfilling, long lives. For me, Christianity is the preferred path, but even if you differ, I will still treat you with respect and love.

Research affirms the positive impact of faith on individuals, revealing that believers are more likely to become productive members of society, avoid destructive paths, and lead fulfilling lives. Throughout history, civilizations have embraced religion, believing in Heaven, Hell, God, and the Devil, as a means to guide people towards righteous paths. Our founding fathers understood the importance of faith in keeping a peaceful society and inculcated it into our nation's values.

Facing death multiple times as a child due to asthma, I sought solace in prayer, accepting that if God willed it, I would find peace in Heaven. Throughout a period of around 20 years, I experienced remarkable asthma control, and thoughts of mortality subsided. However, I remained mindful that asthma might return someday, bringing its challenges along.

Life's journey is uncertain, but my faith brings me comfort, peace, and a sense of purpose. I cherish each day and strive to embrace the goodness in people, understanding that my beliefs guide my choices and actions. May we all find our path to peace, love, and understanding amidst life's uncertainties.

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