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Monday, November 15, 2021

What Do You Do If Your BiPAP Is Effected By A Recall?

Your Question. Phillips has recalled many of their BiPAP machines. My question is: What do I need to do if I suspect my machine is affected. Do I risk not breathing? Do I risk getting heart failure? Or do I risk getting cancer from the part being recalled? 

My Answer. 

The basic problem is a part on the BiPAP inhalation side may break free. And you may inhale it, and this may increase your risk of developing things like cancer. From what I have read, it seems that there were no reported cases of cancer, just the company has decided to make the recall on its own to be on the safe side. So, this would explain the recall. 

If you think your device is affected, you will want to begin by calling the Phillips recall hotline at 877-907-7508.  If your device is affected by the recall, they will let you know. If your device is not affected, you do not need to do anything further. If your device is affected, the people on the phone should advise you as to what further steps to take. 

The basic recommendation is to have you talk to your doctor about this topic.  If you are using BiPAP so that you continue breathing during the night, your doctor (and/or you) may decide the benefits of using the recalled device outweigh any potential risks. That said, by calling the provider you received the BiPAP from, they may be able to offer additional advice. And they may also be able to offer you a filter to add to your device so to prevent you from inhaling anything harmful that may be produced by your machine.

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