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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year!!!!!

The times have changed. Independent blogging isn't as huge as it once was. Most of us are now writing for other health communities, is the reason. But, I've managed to keep this blog going. It's still here for anyone to enjoy.

Something I struggled with is who to make as my general audience here. Initially I wrote to respiratory therapists and patients. So, it was a unique situation to be in. It would have been easier just to focus on the  respiratory therapy profession. Here I share wisdom, but also poke fun at some of the unique situations we find ourselves in.

But, I started out also telling my story about asthma. So, this sort of spawned my asthma writing career. And I also wrote about COPDers. There are the types of patients we RTs take care of nearly every day. So, it's kind of hard to have an RT blog and not focus on the patients we get to know on a daily basis.

So, here we are going into our going into our 12th year. So many things have happened in that time. So many people have turned to the RT Cave for a tip or for a laugh. It's neat that we are still around. And it's neat that you're still popping in once in a while.

So, Happy New Year! We're going to make this the best ever!

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