Sacriments of initiation:
- Baptism: Erase your deadly sins and start with a clean slate; enter into the Catholic Church. This is usually done in infance.
- Eucharist: Receiving of the body of Christ. You are now one with God and your Church. This is usually done in childhood.
- Confirmation: You are now responsible for your faith. You understand your religion and what your responsibility in it is. You have a job now that you never get a day off from. You must be a good person, a productive member of society, and provide charity for your fellow men and women. You must be a good person, and set a good exmple for others. This is usually done in adolescents.
- Matrimony: A couple is made part of the community
- Holy orders: This is ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops. It's their mission to teach the words of Christ.
- Confession (penance): You admit to your sins and release the burden these sins hold on you. You get a fresh opportunity to allow for healing.
- Annointing of the sick: Spiritual healing and release of your earthly concerns. You are now free to go to meet your maker.
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