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Saturday, July 28, 2012

What is an order set doctor?

Order set doctor:  A doctor who orders everything he can possibly think of.  He fills out every order set possible with the hope that something -- anything -- will work.  He covers all his bases by ordering as many procedures as possible.  Yes there will be duplicate orders and even triplicate orders.  Yes the unit secretary will go bonkers trying to sort it all out, and the nurses and respiratory therapists will snivel about doing all the "useless" stuff.  But that doesn't matter because the theory is that if you throw everything at the patient, something is bound to work. 

Medicine is no longer about tailoring therapy to the needs of the individual, it's about treating every patient the same (see cookbook medicine) and hoping something works. It's making sure you did everything so you can avert a potential lawsuit. Common sense and individual thought seem to have taken a back seat to cookbook medicine.  What do you think?



Brian said...

Hello !

Just found your blog. Very interesting and funny. I am and have been asthmatic for many years. In my early 20's I got Eosinophilic pneumonia (I almost died before they figured it out). Spent a good number of years with long terms of prednisone. A blessing and a curse. Thank God, the EP has not returned for a long while - yet it has left a remnant - chronic asthma. I live on Advair, Singular (does it really work?) and Xopenex. And when all else fails, back to prednisone.

I will enjoy reading your blog - maybe it will bring me some relief.


Jerry said...
