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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

RT apathy may be symptom of a greater problem

It is said that apathy is what destroys nations. After taxes were raised so high to support programs to help the needy, Ancient Roman workers felt they were working not to better their own lives but to support other people. There was no monetary incentive to do more than the minimum.

People thought things like, "What's the point of going out of my way to do anything when there's no incentive for me to do it?" I hear similar things said by RTs of today. Their wages are low, benefits are minimal, and their bosses simply tack on more jobs when you complain.

So, like Dave, you simply keep your mouth shut. You show up for work and the apathy sinks in deeper and deeper. It's attitudes like this that sink nations. It sank Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome and even Ancient Spain. Now it makes me wonder if RT apathy is a sign of a greater problem: Apathy of the American system.

Think about it. Your taxes are high, housing values low, bureaucrats abundant, people living off government programs abundant, national debt abundant. With the progressive tax system if you make more money the Federal government sifts it away, taking away the incentive to work harder.

The interesting thing about Ancient Rome, which I find eerily similar do what's occurring in America today, is that taxes are high and people try to find ways of skirting around paying them. This is a side effect of RT apathy.

Hence, RT Apathy may be a symptom of a greater problem.  What do you think?


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