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Friday, July 29, 2011

Philosophy Lexicon

1. Martyr: A person who punishes himiself; a person who sacrifices himself for the benefit of another person; a person who gives of himself for God; Jesus dying on the Cross was the best example of a perfect act of Martyrism. Those who do a job they do not like in order to feed his own family is an act of Martyrism; parenting; service; charity;

2. Charity:  1)  Making sure the needs of everyone are taken care of  2) Anything you give:  time, money, an ear, encouraging words, etc.  3)  Any act of humility in a sense is a charitable contribution.  It's anything that makes someone better.

3. Justice:   Judging; Making sure no one is taken advantage of

4. Problem solving: These are the choices we make in order to make a bad situation better, or to make an unhealthy person healthy. There are basically two methods. One is to have leaders tell people what to do. The problem with this is everyone is treated the same and creativity is stifled. Also, this means that the patient is often treated by someone not near the problem. Examples of this are doctors who don't like the team approach, totolitarian doctors (see below), and order sets (see below). Another approach is to encourage individualism. This method allows people close to the problem to do what they see is best to remedy the situation. Examples of this are protocols and guidelines. For more on problem solving click here.

5. Individualism: This is the natural desire of people to want to make decisions for themselves, to utilize the experience and education they have acquired, to benefit other people.

6. Compassion: This is when you put other people before yourself, you become humbled (see below), you are not arrogant,

7. Arrogance: 1)  Putting yourself before others; you think you know it all; you think you are better than everyone else; your goal in life is to expand your ego.  2)  Thinking you know all

8. Ego: A sense of yourself; feeling important; self importance; self esteem. A natural inclination to yearn to better your self. Some ego is necessary, yet if you think too much of yourself it eventually turns into arrogance. Your goal is to humble your ego.

9. Compitence: Being good at the tasks you are asked to do

10. Confidence: Knowing you are good at the tasks you are asked to do.

11. Pride: Having a good opinion of yourself and the people and possessions in your life. This is necessary in order to show self worth and appreciation. People who portray too much pride may give the appearance of arrogance or superiority; totolitarian doctors.  2)  Putting yourself above all others  3)  Many belief this is the root of all evil

12. Humble (Humility): 1)  Capitalist doctors.  People who understand they don't know it all.  2)  If you are humble, the chances are you will be compassionate.  3)  see humility.

13. God:   The creator.  He is like us. He has no more control of his Children than we have over ours. He may know all about us like we know all about our children, yet he allows us to make our own choices.  In this regard, we are responsible for our action.  Thus, in essence, he is a capitalist.

14.  Hope:  It  is no way to lead the world into the future.  Hope will die with you.  It's good to have faith, yet hope will only lead a nation to destruction because those who hope are not doing.  Those who hope are dreaming of a better world.  Yet if there is one thing we should know as Americans is that dreams do not come true unless we act on them.   Hope never solved any problem.  Hope traps people right where they are, good or bad.  When you're hoping you are staying in your home, doing nothing, but thinking -- hoping.  There is no action with hope

15.  Desires:  There is action with desire.  Desire is when you want something and you go out and get it.  The founding fathers wanted freedom, and they gathered together, fearing death, and went out and sought and obtained it.  They didn't do it by sitting at home. They did it by grabbing a pen and a gun and seeking it.

16. Family:  1)  All those who are the descendants of a common progenitor. For those who follow thte Bible that would be all who are in the lineage of Adam or, even more specific, Abraham. 2)  Jesus would describe the family as all of us living in unity. A more specific definition of family is a group of people with a common goal or job or some sort of commonality. In this way, RTs are members of the RT family, and RNs are a member of the RN family.

17.  Challenge:   Any obstacle that stands in your way, and the attempt to get through or past it makes you a better person or family.

18.  Creative Destruction:   In order for newer and better and more productive companies who make more useful products to enter the market, those companies that are antiquated and have less popular products have to close their doors.

19.  Compassion:  1)  Have sympathy by those stricken by misfortune  2)  One of the keys to likability.   If you are a nice person, this will make up for many of your flaws.  3)  Putting yourself second.  Humility.  Charity.  4)  Treating people as people and not as an object.  See empathy.

20. Kindness: Be friendly

21. Humility: 1)  Know you are not better than any one else.  2)  Putting other people before yourself and admitting you don't know all

22. Gentleness: Kindly and respectful in your approach and touch

23. Patience: Give people time to come together, especially when you don't see eye to eye.

24. Tolerance: This is key when you have a complaint against another

25. Forgiveness: Don't hold grudges. You have been forgiven many times. No one is perfect.

26. Love: Add this to all the above, as it binds everything together in perfect unity

27. Peacefulness: Try to be as one body

28. Thankful: Appreciate everything you have obtained in life. Be thankful for Christ's message with all its richness must live in your hearts.

29. Teacher: Instruct one another with all wisdom.

30. Praise: Sing, read and worship the Lord with Thanksgiving in your heart. Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father.

31.  Tact:  Doing the right thing at the right time.

32.  Trivial matters:  Something insignificant

33.  Rules:  1)  A regulation governing conduct.  A principle that controls what you can do or say, and controls how you do what you do and say what you say.  The more rules there are the less freedom you have.  2)  Some rules are good.  They keep people in line and create unity.  Yet when there are too many rules, or when rules are created every time something undesirable occurs, rules cease to have an added benefit because people start to ignore them.  3)  Each new rule takes away a freedom; diminishes individual thought and creativity.  3.  See law of diminishing return.  

34.  Law of diminishing return:  Rules are good up to a certain point where they start to come back to haunt you.  People will respect a certain number of rules (they expect some rules), yet when there are too many rules it becomes hard or nearly impossible to follow them all.  To many rules become a nuisance.  When this point is reached, chaos may ensue.

35.  Chaos:  A state of utter confusion or disorder.  This is a condition that may result from too many rules.  

36.  Hidden anarchy:  When rules are ignored when the bosses aren't around.  This often results in a sort of chaos for an institution, yet it may result in equanimity and peace among workers.

37.  Avoiding judgement:  Accepting people for what they are

38.  The root of all evil:  Pride

39.  Charitable Contribution:  See charity.  Any act of humility.  Anything that makes someoen else better

40.  Unprofitable servant:  A person who can only do what is expected and nothing more. We all have a task that we are to accomplish, and we accomplish it, and then we are done. In that sense, we are unprofitable. This is a means for us to keep things in proper perspective; to be humble.

41.  Empathy:  Having emotions for the people around you.  Understanding the feelings of other people.  See compassion and charity.

42.  Smart:  It's making an informed decision based on facts.  It's not determined by education, in fact, education can corrupt you.  Common sense is smart.  Education, years on this planet, experience, has nothing to do with how people think. I think it has more to do with idealism and realism.

43.  Realism:  Knowing that perfection is not possible; that an ideal world is not possible; knowing there will always be bad guys; knowing there will always be stupid people; knowing people will always die; knowing there will always be poeple of all shapes and sizes; common sense.

44.  Idealism:  Thinking perfection is possible.  The way the world would be under ideal circumstances.  Anybody with an average brain can see idealism.  It's making decisions based on feelings.  For examle, it feels good to give a breathing treatment to the patinet who's short of breath.  Yet anyone can see the consequences to idealism.  Fo example, RT burnout and RT Apathy due to all the unecessary treatments that result.

45.  Frustrating:  Talking to people who think they are right yet they are wrong based on the facts.

46.  Idiot:  A person who thinks they know what they are doing, who insists he is right, and yet you know that facts don't back him up.  I'll let you provide your own example doctors who believe in the hypoxic drive hoax

47.  Outcast:  Someone who is mocked and laughed at because he questions someone else's views; A person with the facts on his side when the facts are not accepted by the majority; Any respiratory therapist who questions when a doctor decreases oxygen when a patient is already hypoxic

48.  Ignorance:  Whay you don't know.  It's what you don't know.  It's not a bad thing so long as you admit what you don't know.

49.  Wisdom:  Knowing what you don't know and what you do know and being able to tell the difference

50.  Wise:  A person with wisdom

51.  Sage:  An older person who is wise by age and experience.

52.  Realist:  See realism.  A person who believes perfection is possible.  They belive a euphoric world is possible.  They are always making rules and policies in an attempt to create an ideal world, even if there is no proof their rules and policies will work -- even if there are facts that they don't work.  They believe one or two experts can decide what's best for everyone, and it's these experts who create ordersets, policies and guidelines that everyone has to follow.  Even if they are wrong they won't admit it.  They may have screwed the heck out of the healthcare industry with their policies, but they won't admit it.  They are the ones who passed Obamacare in an attempt to create equality in healthcare.  They are the ones who created DRGs .  They are the one's who decided to give away free healthcare to the poor and have caused ERs to become flooded with people who don't need to use the ER.  Their policies have improved patient care and reduced the cost of Medicare and Medicaide, yet it's increased hospital costs and caused apathy and burnout among the masses.  They are the reason for increasing healthcare costs and the nonexistent healthcare crisis.  Idealists don't like it when you come up to them and are truthful. They say that when you do that you are confrontational. You are causing confrontation. Yet if you're afraid of confrontation you're an enabler.  The realist at the bedside giving the treatment sees the truth, that the treatment did nothing.  Their goal is euphoria in the healthcare industry; an ideal system by their definition of ideal.  A scientist will not take this route.   Perfection.

53.  Idealist:  See idealismJudgemental.  Basing decisions on proven fact and science.  They ask questions like:  Does this make sense?  Is this science we're dealing with?  Does this patient really need a bronchodilator?  Is the U.S. healthcare system really as bad as they say it is?   If the answer is no, then we don't do it or don't mess with it or don't waste our time.

54.  Confrontational:  A person who's willing to risk becoming an outcast in order to question stupidity. Antonym: Enabler.

55.  Consequences:  The things that happen as a result of your actions, personal decisions, or choices.  Some may be good and others not so good.

56.  Sheep:  It's what you become when you never question and never judge. 

57.  Euphoria:  What idealists yearn for and think is posible if they make more laws. 

58.  Laws:  See Rules.  The help people to know what to do.  Each law takes away another freedom.

59.  Lie:  An untruth.  Not the truth.  Convincing yourself bronchodilators treat all lung ailments and annoying lung sounds.

60.  Politics:  Defending stupidity and ignorance to keep the peace.

61.  Slippage:  Failure to maintain an expected level, fulfill a goal, meet a deadline, etc.; loss, decline, or delay; a falling off --  When a person does something he that is completely out of character. Slippage might be what you would call it when a person who is normally quiet and reserved bursts out of his shell and tells you all the things he hates about his job; or a person who is respected in the community gets drunk and starts talking about how many women he has gone to be with.

62.  Mean:  A person who is too judgemental; realist

63.  Nice:  A person who isn't judgemental enough; idealist.

64.  Tact: Doing the right thing at the right time.

65.  Trivial matters: Something insignificant

66.  Tactless:  Doing the wrong thing at an inappropriate time

67.  Tact:  Doing the right thing at the right time.

68.  Trivial matters:  Something insignificant

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