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Friday, January 16, 2009

Respiratory Blog Carnival: A Source of Inspiration

The Trauma Junkie over at Surviving RT School is working on starting a respiratory therapy carnival that he will aptly title: A source of Inspiration.

So, what the heck is a blog carnival. According to Wikipedia, "Carnivals provide an aggregation of recent posts by (a blog) community on a given topic, and the host provides a level of editing and annotation that helps readers find posts they are interested in. Writers who submit their articles to blog carnivals are rewarded with traffic (if the host decides to give them a link and, perhaps, a positive review)."

Perhaps you've heard of Grand Rounds or Change of Shift.

To learn how you can participate in this carnival, and to find out more information about "A Source of Inspiration," click here and I will morph you over to Surviving RT School.

Keep in mind that anyone can contribute: RTs, RNs, doctors, patients and anyone else.

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