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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Your Thoughts: What do you think is the most interesting aspect of being an RT?

A while back, I conducted a highly scientific survey. I asked readers to email me (you can find the link in the right column if you want to chime in!) with their answers to this pressing question:

"What do you think is the most interesting aspect of being a respiratory therapist? Sarcasm welcome."

Now, I’ll admit—this wasn’t exactly a formal study. Let’s just say the results are more qualitative than quantitative. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good blog post?

What follows is a collection of insights, anecdotes, and observations that definitely aren’t my own sarcastic takes on the job. Nope, totally not mine. These are purely the thoughts of my loyal readers—who, for all I know, could also be my bosses.

  1. We could write off nearly all breathing treatments and not one discharge would be impacted. 
  2. I find it interesting how so many doctors and nurses think an asthma medicine will cure all annoying lung sounds and ailments.
  3. All wheezes are to be considered bronchosasm -- according to most doctors -- and treated as such.
  4. No study needed: If it sounds good just order it -- who cares if it really works. 
  5. Why is it that in the hospital setting all we do is nebulizers. Why can't we ever do inhalers? And then when preventative inhalers are ordered, doctors still order Q4 nebulizers of the same medicine. Huh?
  6. Most of what we do is a waste of time or delays time (This is an actual quote from a wise respiratory therapist I will not name who used to work for the AARC). 
  7. Nothing like treating post-op atelectasis with yet another nebulizer. Because obviously, albuterol is magical and can heal incisions, fix pain, and force patients to deep-breathe. Who needs incentive spirometers when we have bronchodilators?
  8. Q-forever. You can dc it via protocol if you deem it as useless. But the doctor will just re-order it. So why have protocols in the first place? 
So, there you have it—a not-so-scientific collection of observations, gripes, and sarcastic takes from some of you. As respiratory therapists, we see the absurdities of the job every day, and sometimes, all we can do is laugh (or sigh heavily into our masks). If you’ve got your own stories, insights, or sarcastic gems to share, I’d love to hear them! Drop me an email—there’s a handy link in the right column of this blog. Who knows? Your wit and wisdom might just inspire the next round of this "survey."

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