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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Are Docs Over prescribing Hypertonic Saline (Salt Water)

Let’s revisit something I mentioned the other day: "X-rays can help a doctor determine if hypertonic solution is necessary." Now, if you’ve been paying attention, you know that doctors are now looking at X-rays to decide when to order hypertonic saline—what I like to call "silly saltwater treatments." And while that’s part of the picture, it’s not the whole story.

Another argument for prescribing hypertonic saline comes when the patient is producing secretions. The thinking goes, "This patient’s coughing up secretions, so we need to order hypertonic saline."

But hold on a second. If the patient is already clearing secretions on their own, isn’t that a good sign? The body’s doing its job, right? So why in the world would you want to make more secretions for them to deal with? Doesn’t that sound a bit counterproductive?

It’s a question worth asking. What do you think—does this logic make sense, or are we just complicating things for the sake of it?

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