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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Biblical Dates Do Not Disprove The Bible

Many critics argue biblical dates as proof that the Bible is a fictional work. For instance, some claim it suggests the world is only 6,028 years old, which contradicts scientific evidence indicating a much older age. The Bible also mentions figures like Noah, said to have lived for 950 years, a lifespan vastly exceeding today's average of 82 years, even with modern medicine in 2024. Critics argue this impossibility as evidence against the Bible's authenticity.

According to biblical chronology based on genealogies and historical events, estimates such as the Ussher chronology place the creation of the world around 4004 BC. This calculation suggests the world is approximately 6,028 years old according to this interpretation.

The Bible describes God creating the world in six days, resting on the seventh day, which became a day of rest and prayer. The ancient writers of the Bible didn't have the concept of millions of years as we do today, nor did they possess the means to measure time on such a scale. They structured the creation story into a narrative of days for ease of passing it down through generations. It's important to note that this storytelling approach doesn't imply a literal six-day creation, as modern science has demonstrated the Earth's formation occurred over billions of years.

Interestingly, during the 18th and 19th centuries, when dinosaur bones were discovered, they were often interpreted as antediluvian bones—belonging to animals that perished in Noah's great flood. This interpretation stemmed from a literal reading of the Bible, as people at the time lacked the means to accurately date these fossils, which in reality, predated human existence by millions of years. This historical perspective is documented in many books on the history of medicine from those centuries -- of course written by Christian historians. 

However, what's often overlooked is the context in which these accounts were written. Ancient people lacked precise methods to measure time and used symbolic ages, like 950 years for Noah, to signify wisdom and importance rather than literal lifespans. Additionally, their understanding of history and chronology was limited. Stories like Noah's were passed down orally before written records, often through allegorical songs and tales shared across generations.

Understanding these cultural and historical contexts is crucial when interpreting biblical texts. It helps reconcile apparent discrepancies and appreciate the deeper meanings conveyed through these ancient narratives.
For those who argue that Biblical references to time prove the Bible is fictional, they may misunderstand the context in which the Bible was written. The Bible's accounts should not be taken as literal scientific explanations but rather as spiritual and moral teachings from ancient times. In reality, the Bible does not disprove science any more than science disproves the Bible. Both can and do coexist harmoniously, each providing different perspectives on our understanding of the world.

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