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Thursday, February 8, 2024

My Greatest Fear As An RT

There's an old saying that there's nothing to fear but fear itself. Although, I think this saying is poppycock. How can you be afraid of being afraid? A better saying is: 'There's nothing to fear but not being prepared.'

So, this brings me to my greatest fear as a respiratory therapist. It is... spilling that coffee that is sitting on the patient's bedside table.

What did you think I was going to say?

And, as soon as I walk into the room, I prepare myself. I say, 'John, you will not spill that coffee.' It's challenging, especially as I move past the bedside table to plug in the treatment to the flow meter. I worry that my jacket might brush against the coffee and spill it.

Or, worse, that I would forget it was there and knock it over because I wasn't paying attention.

In my 28 years on this job, I've only done it once. And, it wasn't a cup of coffee; it was one of those narrow vases holding a flower. It shattered all over the floor, and I had to apologize. Then, I had to go on a hunt for a new flower vase.

What were you thinking I was going to say? What is your greatest fear as an RT? 

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