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Sunday, December 20, 2020

What RTs Would Say If They Could Never Be Fired

Over time some teachers gain tenure. Tenure means they get their position on a permanent basis. It basically means they cannot be fired. Some teachers abuse their position to go on anti-American, anti-God rants without repercussions. 

Wouldn't it be nice if RTs gained tenure? Let's say we gain tenure after ten years of working at the same place. You work 72 hours every two weeks for 10 years you are tenured. And then you are free to say and do whatever you wanted. So, what would you say if you could never be fired?

I thought this would be a neat topic for discussion. Here are ten things I would say if I knew if I could never be fired.

1. Why are you ordering an ABG on a DNR patient who is already on BiPAP? What are you going to do if they are horrible ABGs? It's not like you're going to intubate them, as that is not an option. 

2. Why the hell are you ordering Dulera on all your COVID-19 patients? I mean, it's fine if they have asthma or COPD history. But Dulera is a long-term preventative medicine. It's such a low dose that it often takes weeks to even get into your system. So why are you putting my life in danger to give a medicine that is a waste of time to give? 

3.  Why are you ordering BiPAP one someone because their CO2 is 47? 

4.  So, what's the point of all these duplicate respiratory therapy orders? All of these patients are already getting Dulera, so why are they also getting Duoneb QID? 

I discussed this with an EMT friend of mine. I asked him if there was anything he'd say if he knew he wouldn't get fired. He said, "So many times I would say something to the effect of 'So, you have had this symptom for two weeks. What all of a sudden today made it a crisis worthy of calling for the services of an ambulance?" 

We can have lots of fun on this topic. What things would you say if you knew you would not be fired. Please share in the comments below. 

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