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Monday, June 24, 2019

Busting Health Fads Is a Mission Of This Blog

There are people trying to control the way you live. They want you to wear sunscreen because they make money off sunscreen. Even studies showing sunscreen doesn't protect against melanoma are brushed off. It's because they know if they tell you to do something you will abide and do it. It will become a fad of sorts. It will become a myth that can't be unbusted.

But then you have people like me. I'm a skeptic. When everyone is thinking something, I become skeptical. And then I look into what they're saying and find that there's not one iota of evidence to support it. But, despite that, every doctor says you need to wear sunscreen. Even when studies show it's not true, they say, "Nope! You still need to wear sunscreen! Doesn't matter what the evidence shows!"


You have these scientists who have a political agenda. They can't get politics out of their science. And so even when the studies they perform disprove their agenda, they find some way of spinning it, even within their own studies. You have industries controlling the research. A good example is pharmaceuticals. Who do you think funds much of the inhaler research? It's not non-profits. Most of it is funded by big pharma.

Keep reading my blog and I will give you plenty of examples of this. I mean, how may global warming believers have chimed at some point that we only have ten years to live if we don't do something to stop it. And then that ten years comes up and we are still here and nothing has changed and no one ever calls them on their poppycock fear mongering. No one! Except people like me. And I bet there's those reading this that think I'm the idiot Because I don't go with the fad. I"m not the sheep, so I'm the idiot.

So, when I hear these things I think to myself, "Where's the evidence?" And even if they offer evidence, is it real. A good example of this is global warming. They offer lots of evidence that there is global warming. But, 100% of this evidence is computer modulated data. Did you know that computer modulated data is only as good as the data put into it. If you put crap into it you will get crap out. So, in reality, it's not evidence.

So, that's why I question even this global warming/ Global cooling/ Climate change stuff. It's just industries, political activists, trying to push forth their agenda. And good people buy into it hook, line, and sinker. I won't let that happen to me. And I hope you don't either.

Don't get me wrong. I love the environment. As God fearing person, I will do everything in my being to keep the Earth safe and clean. But I'm not buying into a fad. No way. Not this guy. I'm not going to support a theory, where the solution to it is destroying the economy.

And when you do what they say, and you make the changes they want, and nothing changes, no one calls them on it. Ha Ha. So many times this happens. Then they blame people like me who didn't support it. But they fail to look at their own beliefs to really see if they are truly valid.

Do they work? Is their science unbiased? Do their policies truly work? I'm the skeptic who says it probably doesn't work and it's probably not true. Evidence is that we are still here on God's Green Earth.

So, they say it's conventional wisdom. But, conventional wisdom is not always right. Sometimes, it's even proven false and they won't admit it. They just continuing to push forth their myth on behalf of a political agenda on behalf of industries.

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