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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Best Allergy Medicine For Allerigc Asthma

The following post was published on May 7, 2015, at

The Best Allergy Medication for Asthma

About 75 percent of asthmatics also have allergies. So that means controlling asthma may also involve controlling allergies--a task that may not be possible without the assistance of one or more allergy medications. Surely you can try to avoid and control them. But these methods don’t work for everyone.

So the next best option is to talk to your asthma doctor about medicinal options. Some of the best options are:

Asthma Controller Medicine. The first step is to make sure the underlying airway inflammation in your lungs is controlled. This will make your airways less sensitive to allergens. It may also make inevitable asthma attacks less severe when they do occur.

Asthma Rescue Medicine. It is of utmost importance that any person with allergic asthma have rescue medicine nearby at all times. You may feel fine now, but you never know when you might be exposed to one of your allergic asthma triggers.

Leikotriene Antagonists. Leikotrienes are chemicals released during the allergic response that produce both allergy symptoms and asthma. Medicines such as Singulair, Accolate, and Zyflo block their effects to prevent and control the allergic and asthma responses.

Antihistamines. Histamine is another chemical released during the allergic response and is responsible for causing many of those annoying allergy symptoms. Medicines such as Claritin, Zyrtec, and Benadryl reduce histamine in your body, thereby reducing allergy symptoms.

Allergy shots. When allergies are not controlled by medicine, this is the next best option your doctor might recommend. This includes a series of shots meant to desensitize your body to the various allergens causing your symptoms.

Other. If the above treatments don’t relieve all your symptoms, there are still other medicines your doctor might recommend, such as decongestants to relieve your stuffy nose to make breathing easier, or eye drops to relieve itchy eyes.

Note:  There is one other allergy medicine that I did not list in the healthcentral post that I will here.  It is Cold Medicine.  I personally think benadryl works best for allergies, although it makes you tired.  The next best medicine is pretty much any cold medicine, such as Sudafed, Sudafed PE, etc.

So, despite the ubiquitous nature of allergies, there are some things we can do to help alleviate symptoms and make breathing easier. It’s always a good idea to work with your physician, and finding the best treatment may be a matter of trial and error.

Further reading

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