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Monday, November 4, 2013

Hospital jobs you can get without a degree

Your question:  What jobs in a hospital can I do without a degree

My answer:  There are a few jobs you can do with no degree.  I highly recommend anyone who is thinking about getting a job in the medical field to get one of these jobs to get your foot in the door of the medical field.
  1. Nursing Aide: Assisting nurses; walking patient, changing beds, checking sugar, etc. 
  2. Labratory Tech: drawing blood
  3. Respiratory Therapy Tech: EKG, Stress Testing, EEG, PFT
  4. Unit Secretary: Chekcing orders, paper work, filing, calling physicians for nurses, etc. 
  5. Monotor tech: Watching telemetry monitors 
  6. Admitting: register patients 
  7. Housekeeping: perhaps not as appealing, but at least you'd get used to hospital milieu
  8. Janetorial services: Now called environmental services; you'd get used to hospital milieu
  9. Volunteer: no pay, but you'd gain experience working with patients, visitors, doctors, hospital staff

1 comment:

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