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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Treatments cause cancer later in life????

I know that there have been studies that show that giving oxygen, even for a short period of time, can increase a neonates chances of getting cancers.

So, does that mean that giving a breathing treatment with oxygen, even for the short 4 minute duration, is also increasing the child's chances of getting cancer? One would imagine so.

So, one would think this is something that would be investigated further. Breathing treatments, when given to small children, should probably be given with air.

Most hospitals probably don't have to worry about this, but some -- like ours -- don't have piped in air, and give all their treatments with oxygen.

So, by giving breathing treatments with 100% oxygen to a neonate, are we increasing that kids risk of getting cancer down the road?

Another thing to consider is this: If the hypoxic drive theory is true, and as many COPD patients are hypoxic drive breathers as some doctors would have us believe, then why have no patients ever dropped dead during a breathing treatment?

Just a thought.

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