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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is normal peak flow rate?

Every day at we get lots of asthma related questions. Below are some questions I thought my readers at the RT Cave would enjoy.

Your Question: what is a normal peak expiratory flow rate on a 46 year old male who is 6 feet tall?

My Humble Answer: Check out this calculator. This is basically your predicted normal peak flow or peak expiratory flow rate(PEFR).

This is the normal for a person of your age and height. However, it may not be YOUR normal. The best way to determine your normal peak flow -- better known as your PERSONAL BEST PEAK FLOW -- is to blow in your peak flow meter every morning and every evening. Whatever is the highest peak flow you blew is considered your Personal best. That is what you use to monitor your asthma.

Your Question: What isi a normal peak flow reading for an adult? I blow into it every day, but I don't know what is normal.

My Humble Answer: Actually, what is normal is dependent on you. What you'll want to do is blow in your peak flow every day for two weeks when you're feeling well, and whatever your highest peak flow is, that is your personal best. That is what you should base your peak flows on.

For more information on this, click here.

That said, you can see how your peak flow measures up against other people your age and height by clicking here.

If you have any further questions email me, or Visit's" Q&A section.


Anonymous said...

Useful post! Thank you.

Kris said...

Do all doctors subscribe to the "personal best" peak flow, or do they follow predicted values? I'm female and 5' 3" but my personal best is 590. Before medication I was blowing 390-400 some mornings and during attacks. When I showed the values to my doctor he said, "thats not that bad", but thats 66% of my personal best. I didn't say anything because I wasn't really sure.

Rick Frea said...

Sounds like your wiser than your doctor on this one.