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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Factory work was not for me

I had a job working in a factory once. I totally appreciate those who can bare to do this type of job, because the monotony is not for me. All I did all day was sod the ends of two wires together. It was hard to concentrate, and my mind often wandered to the Rolling Stone's song, "Time is on my side." Needless to say my boss kept having to nudge me.

I lasted three days.

On the first day I was told we were only to have three breaks during the 8 hour shift. On the second day I noticed that some people were taking a break every hour on the hour, and they were gone for 10 minutes. I asked the boss, "Why is it those guys get a break every hour." He said, "They go out for a smoke." I said, "Interesting." From then on out I went out every hour. When my boss questioned me about this, I humbly said, "I'm taking a non-smoking break."

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