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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cell phones as deadly as cigarettes???

Here is something to think about. We all know that the government got an entire generation of people addicted to cigarettes by 1917. They did this despite warnings way back then that smoking was deadly. Yes, they knew way back then the hazards of smoking, but they never said anything.

Check out this timeline of smoking, and you will see that the Fed might not have been completely honest with us.

For example, the "Federal Food and Drug Act of 1906 prohibits sale of adulterated foods and drugs, and mandates honest statement of contents on labels. Food and Drug Administration begins. Originally, nicotine is on the list of drugs; after tobacco industry lobbying efforts, nicotine is removed from the list."

Because of the fear that cigarettes are hazardous, and not wanting to be seen as a person who endorses the idea that children start smoking, Major League baseball player Honus Wagner insisted that his baseball card no longer be provided in cigarette packages. This ultimately resulted in his card being the most valueable care all time.

In 1912, the "first strong link (was) made between lung cancer and smoking. In a monograph, Dr. Isaac Adler is the first to strongly suggest that lung cancer is related to smoking." That was the same year many were concerned about the addictive quality of cigarettes.

Then, in 1914, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison talked about the dangerous effects of smoking cigarettes, and that Thomas Edison said it "has a violent action on the nerve centers, producing degeneration of the cells of the brain, which is quite rapid among boys. Unlike most narcotics, this degeneration is permanent and uncontrollable. I employ no person who smokes cigarettes."

Then, in 1917, an entire generation of young people comes home addicted to cigarettes. That was where the problem began.

The Fed never said anything because... why???

Here I have been telling my patients the past few years that people who have bad lungs now because of smoking didn't know any better in the 1950s when they started, and that today's kids do. Thus, today's kids have no excuse.

But, is it possible that kids back in the 1950s should have known better, and the government didn't say anything just because the cigarette industry was so good for the economy.

Cigarettes have been positively linked to various cancers, heart disease and COPD.

Now there have been theories and some vague studies the past few years that cell phones might also be linked to cancer. Do they know more than they are telling us? Should we be careful? Should we keep an open mind about this???

Or is this just poppycock?

In the days to come, we'll review this further.

Oh, and here's something in the timeline I found interesting. In 1920, " in Atlantic Monthly says, 'scientific truth' has found 'that the claims of those who inveigh aginst tobacco are wholy without foundation has been proved time and again by famous chemists, physicians, toxicologists, physiologists, and experts of every nation and clime."

Is it possible that cell phones will be the new cigarette? That cell phones are linked to brain tumors.

Johnny Cochran, O.J. Simpson's lawyer, was diagnosed and died of a brain tumor. It was widely known that he was on a cell phone all the time. And, while scientists don't know why smoking causes cancer, they just know that it is linked to lung cancer. The same can be said of cell phones and brain tumors. Or no???

Ear piece down to holster on belt is the industry recommended use of cell phones. If you dont' do this, will you increase your risk of brain cancer?

I don't know, I'm just as curious as you? Just something to think about.

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