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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The medical field is humbling -- like baseball

Too bad we all couldn't be professional baseball players and play a kids game for a living. Too bad life couldn't be that easy for all of us.

Then again, professional players will tell you fast that, "baseball is a humbling sport." If I could have a dime for every time I've heard that I'd be rich.

Well, so is the medical field a humbling profession, or any other profession where you deal with a lot of people on a regular basis. If you are over confident, and your patient dies, the next time you won't be so confident will you.

According to, humble is to not be proud or arrogant. Some people in the medical field, and you know who I'm referring to, are so not proud and so not arrogant that they have lost all sense of personality. They are blunt, short and nearly impossible to get along with.

You know what? Sometimes parents can be humbled in this way. And that's why some poet wrote this really great poem that went something like, "sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses."

My point is that while it's good to be humble in every way, something that often comes with age, experience, stress, death, threat of losing ones job, etc., it's also important to be a good person to other people around you, and to have some fun.

In other words, don't be a stick in the mud.

We have to listen to our bosses and doctors, keep our mouths shut even when we disagree with an administrative decision or stupid doctor order, for fear that we might lose our jobs. If a major leaguer loses his job, so what: he's already set for life financially.

If I could be a humble baseball player, one who's greatest stress would be whether he'd go into a major slump and be booed at home, that would be a far better place to be humbled than the real world.

That, my friends, is the thought of the day.


Anonymous said...

Ive been trying to play catch up on my blog reading. Some good stuff here.

I totally agree with you on the Cardiac asthma thing. Im mixed on the hypoxic drive thingy, but I have to agree that you sometimes have to give lots O2 regardless if they're CO2 retainers.
Actually, I don't think Ive ever seen anyone get lethargic from high FIO2s, but I have seen CO2s climb.

I haven't read back far enough in your archives to figure out if you work in a small community hospital or a large institution. Im guessing its a smaller hospital, because yo mentioned an RT doing an EKG.

Keepem breathin !

Rick Frea said...

It's hard to keep up with all the information out there, and I too am behind in my blog reading, and probably always will be.

As far as the hypoxic drive theory, I think its something to consider rather than simply being the gold standard. I do, however, plan on further blogging on this topic as time permits and would appreciate any input from other bloggers.

I work at a hospital that's kind of too big to be considered small, but too small to be considered big. Shoreline is among a growing community of about 12,000 plus inhabitants and we have about 72 beds if that helps you put us in perspective.

Yes, EKGs do kind of classify us don't they. Thanks for reading.