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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote for the republic

We can all be the best we can be if we believe in ourselves, and we have virtues. That is the lesson taught to people as far back as the time of Moses. Whether you believe in the old testament or not, we can all still learn lessons from old wisdom.

In Exodus, Moses said to God: "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

What is I am? I am is God. I am is also Good. I am is in all of us. We should all ask ourselves this question: I am ___________.

I am What? I am Who?

Then we must say this to ourselves, "Yes I can!" That is the wisdom learned from the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. We learn that we can. Yes you can be whatever word you used to fill in the blank.

The Bible preaches individuality and personal accountability. The Bible preaches that we are all responsible for our own actions. That is the lesson from Moses that we should take. That is if we answer the question noted above with the best answers.

Here are some options: I am...
  1. Creative
  2. Happy
  3. Capable
  4. Faithful
  5. Cheerful
  6. Free
  7. Problem solver
  8. An individual thinker
  9. An inventor
  10. An innovator
  11. Able

God told moses that he is all of these, and that he can teach all his people to be all of these. The Bible teaches that we can all be creative, happy, capable, faithful, cheerful, free, a problem solver, an individual thinker, an inventor, an innovator and able if we think to ourselves, "Yes I can!"

Capitalism teaches the yes I can attitude. Capitalism teaches people to think for themselves and to be creative and happy and capable and faithful and cheerful and free and to solve problems and think and invent and innovate and be able. Capitalism was created by the republic created by the U.S. Constitution.

This is why, even for those founding fathers who were deists, still used the Bible to create the foundation for this nation: because the Bible preaches individualism and personal accountability. The Bible preaches people to have the yes-I-can attitude that will make each individual the best he or she can possibly be in this life.

Consider the opposite. I am ________.

If you answer the question with: "I am NOT...creative, happy, capable, faithful, cheerful, free, a free thinker, an individual thinker, an inventor, an innovator, and able.

If you answer this question with a not, then you will not make the best of yourself in this life. You will not get off the couch. You will rely on others to solve problems for you. You will become lazy. You will never get out of poverty. You will rely on your parents (or the government) your entire life. Progress will not be made.

You will be forever in poverty. You will not get an education. You will not be an inventor. You will not open up the business we all know you'd be good at and that which would benefit society

Look, again, even if you don't believe in God, you can still learn valuable lessons from it. You can learn virtues necessary to a solid life. This is why the founders preached the importance of God in their speeches and their writings.

And think about it. It was this I-CAN-attitude that has made the U.S. the Greatest nation in the history of the planet. It was this I-CAN-attitude that resulted in the industrial revolution and the roaring 20s, and victories in WWI and WWII and so forth. When we have a positive attitude, we can make the best of ourselves.

If we get away from the philosophy encouraged by the writers of the Bible, who realized this 2,000 plus years ago, then we will encourage a nation of people with a negative attitude. We will create a world of people who think: "I can't" The United States will be a nation no better than any other. We will have lost our exceptional edge.

God (or nature) made it so we were born with certain freedoms, and these freedoms can only be taken away by a government. God made it so (or nature if you don't believe in God) encouraged the people of Britain to develop the Magna Carta. This created an environment in where the Colonists had an opportunity to create a nation where every man would be capable of answering the above question: "I am _________! Yes I can be ___________!

In fact, story has it that when Benjamin Franklin walked away from the Second Continental Congress after signing the U.S. Constitution, a woman walked up to him and said, "Mr. Franklin, what have you given us?"

Franklin answered, "A republic, if you can keep it."

The problem with an "I can't" attitude are as follows:

  1. Decreased incentive to work
  2. Decreased incentive to get off the couch
  3. Decreased morale ( a problem with RTs)
  4. Increased obesity
  5. Increased unemployment
  6. Decrease jobs
  7. Decrease wages
  8. Increased people on government dole
  9. Decreased innovation
  10. Decreased inventions
  11. Dependence
  12. Decreased freedom

The benefits of an "I can" attitude are:

  1. Increased incentive to work
  2. Increased incentive to get off the couch
  3. Decreased obesity
  4. Decreased unemployment
  5. Increased jobs
  6. Increased wages
  7. Decreased need for government dole
  8. Self reliance
  9. Individualism
  10. Increased innovation
  11. Increased inventions
  12. Increased freedom

We must vote today. We must vote for people who will defend and protect our republic; who will defend and protect the Constitution He gave us. We must vote for people who will fundamentally transform America back into a republic of people who say, "Yes I can!" as opposed to, "No I can't!"

Rise people. Get off your seats. Open up your book. Turn on your computers. Read. Read about the Founding fathers. Read about the U.S. Constitution. Read what it was like before Mr. Franklin signed the Constitution that gave us a republic if we could keep it.

And go out and VOTE! VOTE for anyone, regardless of party, who will stand up to the principles that we as Americans have held since we first started sailing the great seas to a land we call America, the home of the free.

Vote! Vote not for people who think you are stupid and think they should make laws that take away your God (or natural) rights, and tell you how to live your life, and encourage you to rely on others to live, and to be lazy.

Vote for people who will defend the republic, and who know you are as smart as you are, capable of making your own decisions. Vote for people who know you are creative, happy, capable, faithful, cheerful, willing, free, a thinker, an innovator, a problem solver, and fully able to fend for yourself and make good decisions.

Vote for every single person who will defend the republic; the U.S. Constitution. You are smart. We are all smart.

I am who I am. That is who we all are. We must never forget it.

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