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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can my signs of asthma be unique to me?

Every day at we get lots of asthma related questions. Below are some questions I thought my readers at the RT Cave would enjoy.

Your Question: Can a asthma attack start with your heart racing and getting a warming feeling every where?

My Humble Response: I don't believe that's a real common sign of an impending asthma attack. You may want to call your doctor as he may want to see you to make sure there isn't something else going on.

Your Question: Can asthma cause a rash?

My Humble Response: That's really a tough question to answer. There are some atopic skin diseases that are related to asthma (such as excema), and they may be isolated to the same gene, yet to link asthma and a rash together would be speculating at this point.

However, some asthmatics have early signs and symptoms of an impending asthma attack that are unique to them. You'll want to be vigilant, and work with your doctor, to find your early warning signs.

Your Question: How do I set up a nebulizer?

My Humble Response: Here's a good link you can check out. You can read how or watch the video at the top of the page.

Your Question: Is it bad to use 2 treatments to break an asthma attack? I have hardluck asthma, I am pretty much taking everything I can, and still have symptoms and have to us ventolin at least once or twice a day. Some days, I'll be fine for most of the day, and then will have an attack that takes 2 ventolin treatments to break it totally. Does that mean my asthma is out of control?

My Humble Response: So you want to know if your asthma is under control. I wrote about this recently. Check out this link.

For most asthmatics, the use of Ventolin more than 2-3 times in a 2 week period (with the exception of using it for exercise induced asthma) is a sign of poorly controlled asthma. However, if you have more severe asthma, you asthma control should be based on an individual basis. For some asthmatics, Ventolin use is NOT a signs of asthma control, rather it is necessary to maintain the desired level of control. So, if you have the PERMISSION of your physician, it may be appropriate to use your Ventolin more often to maintain control. However, I emphasize PERMISSION from your physician.

I'll be honest here, I have on occasion needed more than one treatment to pull me out of an attack. Yet if this doesn't pull me out of an attack, I know to call my doctor. This, however, is part of my asthma action plan. You should talk to your doctor about creating an asthma action plan so you know exactly what to do in the case of an attack, and when to call your doctor.

If you have any further questions email me, or Visit's" Q&A section.

1 comment:

Philip Gegan said...

As a supplemental treatment to any other asthma treatment, you can try a little acupressure exercise that has been shown to help.

Acupressure is acupuncture but without the needles. And you can administer it on yourself without the need of a third party, so it's very cost effective. It has been practised very successfully in the Far East for hundreds of years.

Here is one acupressure exercise that has proven very effective against asthma.

Find the two hollows on either side of your breastbone just below your collarbone. Press these two points for about a minute while breathing deeply (as far as you can in the circumstances) and relaxing as much as possible.

You should find your symptoms rapidly decline. For the best results, do this three or four times a day even when you aren't having any attacks - it should reduce your susceptibility to an attack.

I hope this helps.