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Monday, July 10, 2023

Sometimes we jinx ourselves

In the hospital setting, there are things you can do to jinx yourself. One of those things is to review something that of which you have not reviewed in a while. In my case, it was what ETT to select for pediatrics. 

I'm nerdy, so what I study I write about here in this blog so I can share what I learn with you. And in this case, I wrote an article and created a few graphs. And I published this article. 

Almost immediately after I was done with this project I was called to the ER for a pediatric trauma. Go figure! 

We were informed it was a three year old girl. So, based on my chart, I determined that I needed a size 5 uncuffed ETT and a size 4.5 cuffed. So I got both ready. And then I checked the broslen tape and this confirmed that the tubes I picked out were correct. 

Bottom line, it's good to review these things every so often. This way, when you do get a pediatric, you are prepared. And, as the saying goes: There's nothing to fear except not being prepared. 

It turned out that the child was breathing fine and my services were not needed. But, this was a good practice run. 

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