I'm nerdy, so what I study I write about here in this blog so I can share what I learn with you. And in this case, I wrote an article and created a few graphs. And I published this article.
Almost immediately after I was done with this project I was called to the ER for a pediatric trauma. Go figure!
We were informed it was a three year old girl. So, based on my chart, I determined that I needed a size 5 uncuffed ETT and a size 4.5 cuffed. So I got both ready. And then I checked the broslen tape and this confirmed that the tubes I picked out were correct.
Bottom line, it's good to review these things every so often. This way, when you do get a pediatric, you are prepared. And, as the saying goes: There's nothing to fear except not being prepared.
It turned out that the child was breathing fine and my services were not needed. But, this was a good practice run.
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