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Thursday, November 12, 2020

5 Things I'm tired of hearing

Things that keep getting repeated. Oh, how it tires us so. Some things that get repeated are not factual. Yet, they get said so much you start to think they are true. Here are 5 things I personally am tired of hearing. 

1. Wear a mask or I will put a tube in you.  The chances of someone getting covid and experiencing getting through it just fine is 99% for those under the age of 70. This is according to the CDC. Those between the ages of 70 with one comorbidity surviving just fine is also at around 99%, and this is according to an English study. Sure, there are a lot of COVID cases in hospitals. Yet the percentage of all COVID cases requiring ventilators is more like 0,00004%. 

2.  We have never been this busy before. If I had a dime for each time I have heard this I'd be rich, because it has happened many times in my 23 years on this job. It has been this busy before, and it will someday get very slow again. That is how it is in healthcare. 

3. If everybody wore a mask we could prevent COVID from spreading. False. All wearing a mask accomplished was stalling while healthcare caught up with the expected demands. It bought time to stockpile ventilators and PPE among other things. In effect, all it did was kick the can down the road. Viruses have been around since the beginning of humankind. And they will continue to wreak havoc from time to time. The truth is that viruses run their course. They ride on humans until the last human with the virus dies. So, searing a mask will not prevent the virus from spreading. 

4.  Isn't this fun. I love taking care of these critical patients. I have never found joy in people getting sick and staying sick despite our gallant efforts to help them. I find much more joy knowing that people are healthy and not in need of my services. 

5.  I was hoping we would intubate. I personally think it's morbid to want to intubate. I think it's morbid to even get excited about it. Sure, it's nice to have a skill. It's nice to be proud of that skill. But to think to intubate first just because you want to use your skills is a morbid view of life. 

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