
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The greatest questions about life

So if someone comes to you unhappy because you didn't do something their way, who is the bad guy?  Is it you, or the other person?  I suppose this is the greatest debate of mankind.

So if someone tells you every time you do something wrong (wrong in their opinion), and tells you how to do it the right way, is it wrong to feel about an inch high?  Or should you do what they want you to do and keep your mouth shut every time this happens (even if it happens a lot)?   I suppose if I had the answer to this I'd be richer than Dr. Phil.

So if someone tells you every time you do something wrong (in their opinion), and you decide you've had enough and finally say something like "please stop nagging me," does that make you the bad guy?  I supposed this is another one of those life questions no one knows the answer to, except the accuser.

So if someone gets angry and terrifyingly mad at you because you left popcorn kernels on the carpet, and you try to defend yourself, saying something like "I got called stat to the emergency room."  A fight then ensues.  Who started the fight.  Yeah!  This is one of those "what came first, the chicken or the egg" type questions.

Humility, I believe, is a good, is a good virtue to have.  However, you can only be humble for so long.  When the humble gets tired of someone else not being happy about the way he makes his way through life, it's tough to be so humble.

The squeaky wheel, they say, always gets the Greece, except when that person is the normally humble person.  Take a choleric, melancholy personality for example. This person is very picky and wants things done a specific way.  Put this person in the same room as the peaceful phlegmatic person who kicks back and enjoys life.  Yes, you can see the dilemma.

Now surely the two personalities need each other too.  Put two peaceful phlegmatic together and nothing will ever get done, or so thinks the choleric melancholy person, who has to have everything done his way. To the phlegmatic, the melancholy choleric seems like a very miserable person who is never happy with anything.  The peaceful phlegmatic is always happy, so long as his opposite personality isn't what he refers to as "nagging."

So who is right and who is wrong?  This author does not have the answers.  I'm sure you could take one side or the other.  If you are the person who is the bossy person, chances are you don't even know you're doing it.


  1. I love this one. Yes the answer to this lies truly on ones perspective. If you choose to believe that.
    As a person in the field of science and being on the melancholy side. I've learned to stick up for what is quantitative and leave the rest for those who need to make up an answer for what we have no clue of. The brain is very complex system, and needs to make sense of the world around it. This is one of the biggest reasons there is so much Bull shavick running around our reality. If we cant make sense of it, it becomes paranormal or is given a broad title like terrorism. Now if you are referring to one person "nagging" the other over their opinion or lack of understanding. This is just a form of communication. usually it gets misinterpreted as nagging when someone is not understanding of you not understanding their comfort zones. This happens most when we are close to someone and they want to control their environment as much as possible. Those that have little understanding of reality are those who are over concerned about things like popcorn on the floor, those who understand reality understand there's a whole ecosystem on the floor that really appreciates that popcorn. There's a great "Time" magazine issue titled "The Science of You-the factors that shape you" which go over how and why us humans interact the way we do. Also the national geographic channel is running a series called "brain games" that goes over how deceiving our perception of reality really is. The only medication for ignorance is education.

  2. Of course, then again, education does not make one smart. I know some people who went to college 8 years and are no smarter than a person who has only a high school diploma.
