
Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's easier to be ignorant

Here's the Quote of the Year:

"There are a lot of ignorant people in the world, because it is a lot easier to do nothing than it is to spend quality time learning."

Allow me to relate this quote to the field of respiratory therapy:

  1. Doctors who order breathing treatments for anything other than bronchospasm.
  2. Insurance and government agents who require breathing treatments be ordered on all RSV and pneumonia patients in order for the hospital to get reimbursement.
  3. Nurses who call for breathing treatments just because the patient wheezed, and without further assessing the patient for signs of bronchospasm.
  4. Respiratory therapists and nurses who accept all breathing treatment orders as needed.
  5. Patients who never question a doctor's order.
  6. Doctors who refuse to utilize the skill and expertise of respiratory therapists or nurse.
  7. Doctors who think they know more about a patient than the nurses and respiratory therapists standing at the bedside while the doctor is home in bed.
  8. Doctors who think everything should always go as planned.
  9. Patients who quit taking the medicine the doctor prescribed.
  10. Patients who don't read up on the diseases they have, and therefore continue to make return trips to the ER at our expense.
If you want to add to this list feel free.


  1. QUOTE:"Insurance and government agents who require breathing treatments be ordered on all RSV and pneumonia patients in order for the hospital to get reimbursement."

    I have seen this comment on your blog several times now. Could you please provide some information about this? I have mentioned this comment to others in the RT field and no one seems to know what you are talking about with regard to this subject.

    Please provide some more concrete information about these insurance requirements.

    Thank you.

  2. Will do. I'm working on such a post. Stay tuned.
