
Monday, December 28, 2009

The best Respiratory Therapy Blogs for 2010

The following are all the Respiratory Therapy Blogs and Websites I'm presently aware of, and in no particular order:

  1. Respiratory Therapy Cave
  2. Jeff Whitnack's RT Page
  3. RT Corner
  4. Ventworld
  5. wildwynd
  6. Becoming an RT
  7. RT Care: KISS
  8. asthmadaytoday
  9. Breathing your best
  10. In My Opinion
  11. breath harmony way
  12. Consciously breathing
  13. Respiratory Graduate
  14. RT e-blog
  15. Respiratory Links
  16. Sputum happens
  17. RT Scribe
  18. Trauma Junkie
  19. Heidi's happenings
  20. Intubate Em!
  21. Alpha Trauma
  22. Five of Peep (Pediatric RRT)
  23. RT Student Blog
  24. Respiratory Report
  25. Rhonchi
  26. Sleepy RT medic
  27. Breathing through school
  28. Snot jockeys
  29. RRT with ADD
  30. Respitatory Therapy 101
  31. Respiratory Therapy Driven
  32. G's spot
  33. Sometimes I Breathe
  34. RT student
  35. Respiratory Terrorist
  36. Pulmonary Roundtable
  37. Respiratory Therapy Blog
  38. Respiratory Report
  39. RT Magazine
  40. Advance for RTs
  41. AARC Resources
  42. EKG similator

If you know of one I'm missing, or you have one of your own (new or old), please let me know and I will add it to this list.


  1. Thank you for both of the above blogs. I know that it takes time and work to compile all of the information you post. I really appreciate it.


  2. Hey Rick,

    Not that I don't enjoy yet another plug, but unless I've got a degree I don't know about, I somehow made the RT blogs list ;).

    Have a good one!

  3. Is it just me or have all of the RT bloggers retired??
