Just to give you an idea of how my night went last night I'm going to post here my tweets from this morning.
- Finally a night with no patients on the floors, but unfortunately Dr. letsordertxsoneverone is working in the ER
- Since when does croup get treated as asthma. I'll have to do some research on this. She orders Q30 Xopenex for stridor? Huh?
- now the croupy kid is going home with a nebulizer. Talk about wasted healthcare resources.
- I don't think Dr. Q1 has a clue what she's doing. This is getting to be a joke. And they want me to take my job seriously.
- I almost lost my cool when that last order was written. I did if you count rolling eyes at Dr. Q1 as loosing coolness.
- They have to beg to get Dr.s to come here to this small town. That explains why we have to put up with reject Dr.s who have no clue
OMG... I sure can relate...but I'm sure every R.T. can. I REALLY hate when they give every patient with a "cough" or the sniffles at HHN tx f/b an MDI to go home with. I've actually approached the "M.D." and she actually told me with a straight face. and I quote.. "I know, I know they're not wheezing but I have to do something". What a waste of our health care system. I know I'm ranting but it drives me CRAZY!!! What if patients came in with a cough and we gave them.. oh, I don't know morphine, or lasix..etc... Albuterol is a drug folks get a clue. Sorry for the outburst.. but I do feel a bit better :)
ReplyDeleteTerri, speaking of morphine "just because", you ought to check out this article about Ativan Nebs: http://keepbreathing.wordpress.com/2007/10/28/ativan-nebs-an-idea-whose-time-has-come/